To my sweet Sugar and Iced customers,

I wanted to take a moment to communicate a few changes in my business and in my life:

First Day of Puppy School

After losing the last of my 6-pack of puppies in May, I recently became a Dog Mom again to a German Shepherd mix puppy named, Van Halen! I’ve spent a lot of my time lately training him in addition to working my full-time day job. Many of you may not know that my Sugar and Iced Custom Cookie Business began as a passion which turned into a side business. And thanks to support of my small business from loyal customers like yourselves, it has turned into a success! 

Since I began baking in 2005, I have not made any changes to my pricing structure and, always wanting to be able to accommodate customers’ requests, I have rarely turned down an order. Recently, I’ve found it necessary to make a few changes to my business which I’d like to communicate. The main changes are summarized below:

  • Price per order (2 dozen cookies) starts at $3.00 per cookie and goes up depending on detail and design.
  • There is a minimum order quantity of 2 dozen cookies per order. No more than 4 designs per 2 dozen cookies please.
  • I will be limiting the number of orders I accept per week so be sure to book at least one week in advance.
  • 50% deposit required for all orders to be placed on the schedule. Please note, I cannot reserve your spot on my weekly baking calendar until deposit is received.

For a complete list of changes, please visit the FAQ page of my website or my Instagram page . . . or message me for a list.

I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support of my small business.

Julie Tyree

Chef & Owner, Sugar and Iced

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